Monday, July 9, 2007

Adam's New Loves

Wow. It's not even funny how long it's taken us to update this blog. Well, since I don't like reading incredibly long entries, I'm going to assume you all are the same way. That being said, I'm going to recap only the last few days here in NYC. I'll leave the rest of the details, including the events of the last, last weekend to my wife Michelle who not only dresses better than I do, but writes far more entertainingly, as well.

Is entertainingly a word?

Anyway, July 4th had been fast approaching and everyone was asking what we were going to do to celebrate, especially since we are now in the Big Apple. Well, we didn't "celebrate" the way you might think we would. The weather was overcast all day and there were rumors of rain at night. We still had planned on heading to the Promenade in Brooklyn to watch the fireworks though. So in the afternoon we headed out to Manhattan and began talking about how much we wanted iPods. We had money saved for it, but I guess we figured we should still wait for some reason. Of course, having the afternoon free and not being able to come up with said reason, we immediately headed to the Apple Store.

In case you've never been, the Apple Store in Manhattan is pretty cool. It's a giant glass cube with a silver apple icon hanging in the middle. Of course the actual store is a large, convention-sized room underground, but you have to walk into this cube to get there. We oogled at the iPhone, but ultimately decided it was WAY too much money for us to spend. We did however, fall in love with two little video iPods at the tables nearby. So twenty minutes later, we rushed out of the store with a black one for me and a white one for Meech, tore open the boxes and gaped in awe of the coolness that we held in our hands.

I'm in love with my iPod.

Afterward, we thought we'd check out FAO Schwarz which is right next door. Didn't stay too long though. I was quite low on energy and we really wanted to goof around with our newest toys. So we stopped to eat a FANTASTIC panini nearby to refuel me, hopped on the subway and headed for home. We spent the rest of the night uploading songs and watching Harry Potter 3 (my favorite of the series).

As a side note, we've been slowly working our way through the movies so we'll be all set for the 5th movie coming out this Friday. I've finally read every book and I could NOT be more excited. I'm now a Harry Potter freak and I am simply giddy about the upcoming movie and final book. And a big thanks to Barb for her movie tickets. They will be greatly enjoyed this weekend when we join the mob to see the newest Potter flick.

I'm in love with Harry Potter.

Ok, so the past few days have been just wonderful. I've been hinting to Meech that I've really begun to miss hanging out with friends. It's been hard having to stay home everyday and do chores, fill out Human Resources forms, go shopping and other random tasks. I don't mind doing them, I really don't and I understand how important they are, but it's really helped me realize how much I miss my friends. (You should know that I've applied for summer school positions, but never got any, so now I'm applying for a temp agency. I'm hoping that will keep me active!) Well, as an answer to my prayers it seemed, my friend Jonathan has arrived in New York for the week and Saturday night he, along with EIGHT other friends all got together to hang out! YAY! We enjoyed pizza at John's Pizzeria in the Village (which is HIGHLY overrated) and then went to Magnolia's, which is a cupcake shop. My chocolate cupcake was SPECTACULAR. We must go back there. Not so much the Pizzeria.

Anywho, it was so great to catch up with Jonathan, who I simply adore and admire, and with Vicki, who lives here in New York, but unfortunately rarely get to see. They introduced us to many of their friends who live nearby AND I got to see an old friend Kat, who also lives here and whom I haven't seen for like, 5 years! After Magnolia's, we went to a nearby park, sat down and played Settlers of Catan. I've never heard of this game before, but I'm now hooked. I lost severely, but not as bad as I lost the following night when we invited Jonathan over to our place to play Settlers again. Seriously. I did awful. However, after these past few days with all my friends playing an awesome game that I'm completely horrid at, I can add this:

I'm in love with Jonathan
I'm in love with Magnolia's cupcakes.
And I'm in love with Settlers of Catan.

Course I've always been in love with Jonathan, but still... it should be listed. Oh! And before I go, I should mention that we finally sold my car. Didn't get much for it, but I'm so proud of us for taking that step. What a bold declaration to have sold your cars. It was like just one more solid confirmation that we have arrived in New York, and we're not leaving any time soon!

Much love everyone. Talk to you soon and I hope to read many comments!


Mania said...

I am very happy for you and Michelle. I think that you have an exciting time ahead and you are in the right place for it.
I am eager to come visit and experience the Big Apple.

Love you

rosemary brown said...

Adam I miss you!! Let us schedule a time when we can get together. Then you and Meech can take me to get cupcakes and eat overrated pizza :)

Barb said...

I'm glad you and Michelle enjoyed the movie tickets! My best wishes dealing with Human Resources and getting your certification current. . . . I've been down that road before!